Year: 2022

Te Reo Body Parts

Hi Bloggers today I made a drawing on google about Maori body parts it is supposed to tell you all of the different body parts Pls tell me if I have missed any body parts What do you think head is in Maori?

Sincerely Jed.


Novel Ponder 5

Hi Bloggers, Jed Here

I think that Ivan is helping Ruby because Stella made him promise and because he feels sorry for Ruby

I Think Ruby wants to live at the zoo because it is a good zoo where the baby Elephants are taken care of.

What do you think?

Sincerely Jed.

Writing 3

Hi Bloggers Today I am showing my writing that I did a few days ago have you ever made a story? if so what was it about? I hope you like my story.

Sincerely Jed


P4C ponder W5

Hi Bloggers

I think that the hardest thing for a kid would be when you are tired and start to get bored of your life like what happened to me one time I was just not feeling it I hope this does not happen to you what is the hardest thing for you.

Sincerely Jed.

Camp 2022

Hi Bloggers a few days ago we went to camp here is my reflection on it TBH it was really fun at camp I would go back if I could Would you?

Sincerely Jed.


P4C Ponder

Hi Bloggers If I was Famous I would be Famous for singing because I could sing gospel songs and bring some of the people in the world to Christ If you were famous what would you be famous for?

Sincerely Jed.